
The Secret To Minimizing Regrets In Life

The Secret To Minimizing Regrets In Life

Explore-Exploit Tradeoff There’s something called the Explore-Exploit Tradeoff. Simply put, it’s the dilemma of whether you should choose
3 min read
The Best Time Of Day For Focus And Peak Mental Performance

The Best Time Of Day For Focus And Peak Mental Performance

So I just finished analyzing 6000+ chess games to find out when out when my peak performance is. Chess is
2 min read
7 Hacks For Laser-Like Focus In This Distraction Economy

7 Hacks For Laser-Like Focus In This Distraction Economy

1. Block websites and apps Personally, I like the Freedom App. It costs a few dollars per month, but it
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What I Wish I Knew Before Running 2300+ Kilometers

What I Wish I Knew Before Running 2300+ Kilometers

I am not a runner, but I run. Over the past 8 years, I've clocked in several thousand
3 min read
Making Money Online with Graphic Design in 2022 - Everything You Need to Know

Making Money Online with Graphic Design in 2022 - Everything You Need to Know

In 9 years as a graphic designer, here's my step-by-step process if I were to start all over again: Specific tools, platforms and resources.
3 min read
Success In Progress: a Case Study of Applied Growth Mindset

Success In Progress: a Case Study of Applied Growth Mindset

This is the beginning of a new chapter in my life, possibly titled "personal brand" - but I
4 min read
The Secret To Creating Obsession And Addiction

The Secret To Creating Obsession And Addiction

Addiction can have both phycological and physiological components. Hormones, neurotransmitters, biology and neuroscience account for the physiological explanations of addiction.
5 min read
Bitcoin And Stock Market Correlation - Institutional Adoption?

Bitcoin And Stock Market Correlation - Institutional Adoption?

Recently I’ve noticed that BTC has been following S&P 500 quite closely. Of course, there’s still
2 min read
Can Past Performance Predict Subsequent Returns For Investors?

Can Past Performance Predict Subsequent Returns For Investors?

If an analyst makes 50 stock recommendations that outperform the market, does that mean his subsequent recommendations are likely to
3 min read
Analysis: Can Investor Sentiment Predict Future Stock Market Movements?

Analysis: Can Investor Sentiment Predict Future Stock Market Movements?

this does not mean you should be a contrarian and do the opposite of what the market sentiment is. It actually means that market sentiment tells you basically nothing whatsoever about future returns.
3 min read