2 min read

7 Hacks For Laser-Like Focus In This Distraction Economy

7 Hacks For Laser-Like Focus In This Distraction Economy

1. Block websites and apps

Personally, I like the Freedom App. It costs a few dollars per month, but it is really one of the best blockers out there. It syncs across devices, and everything works nicely. And it really does have a massive impact on productivity while you're on the computer.

The Unhook chrome extension is also helpful. It stops showing "recommended videos" on YouTube, so that you don't get sucked down the YouTube rabbit hole, or endless scroll through recommend videos to find something interesting.

2. Clear your desktop screen

I believe the desktop on your computer is a reflection of your own personality. If you have a cluttered desktop, it will impact your focus as well. So clear it out.

3. Clear your physical desk

Similar to the above point, it is easy to be distracted by your desk. For example, your phone should not be in direct eyesight while you're sitting at your computer working. If it is, the urge to pick it up and look at it for notifications and so forth will be extreme.

4. Unsubscribe from emails

Here's a hack you can do right now. Go to your emails, search "unsubscribe" and unsubscribe from everything you don't care to receive anymore. Instantly applicable life hack right there.

5. The 25/5 rule

There's one flavor of distraction which is particularly dangerous, and that are those things which are kind of productive. The 25/5 rule was popularized by Warren Buffett. Basically, step 1 is to write out your 25 goals in any field. It could be business, personal life, and so on. Then, step 2, is two circle the five most important goals of those 25. Step 3 is to never under any circumstance do any of the 20 goals which are not circled. These 20 goals are simply a distraction from the main 5 goals. They are particularly dangerous because you can justify in your head why you're working on them, because after all they are part of your goals, but ultimately they take away focus from your most important goals.

6. Listen to music without words

Music may enhance focus, but research shows that music with words in them actually detract from focus. So in order to maximize focus, listen to ambient sounds or classical music. Brain.fm is one example. The freedom app also has this feature built in.

7. Turn off phone notifications

Things like Snapchat, Instagram, Reddit, Twitter and so forth. Turning these notifications off will massively benefit your focus, and your mental health. Our phones are probably the biggest distraction-machines ever created.